The Last Judgement of Donald Trump- Copyright 2018
The Last Judgement of Donald Trump- Copyright 2018

Oil on canvas, 5' x 20"

The Last Judgement of Donald Trump was inspired by the 14th c. master, Hieronymus Bosch. I painted it as a moral lesson and warning to Donald Trump and 15 members of his family, his administration, Putin, and the GOP. If they do not change their ways, Bosch Hell awaits them. See the video explanation of this painting at

The Last Judgement of Donald Trump- Copyright 2018
The Last Judgement of Donald Trump- Copyright 2018

If you want to know who the figures are in Bosch hell, here's the key. Enjoy knowing that Karma will come to everyone.

"Sometimes Karma Sucks" Tote bag
"Sometimes Karma Sucks" Tote bag

Email me for details to get one of your own!

Mako- Copyright 2021
Mako- Copyright 2021

Silver and Copper Leaf on Oil- 30" x 21"

No more Blue Wave. It's time to become the Mako..

Mako- Copyright 2021
Mako- Copyright 2021

Reprints of Two Makos are available. Be the Shark!

The Blue Wave- Copyright 2018
The Blue Wave- Copyright 2018

Oil and newsprint on canvas, 5' x 30"

Inspired by Hokusai's wave and Picasso's Guernica, the Blue Wave of the Resistance slams over Trump, et al. News articles form the background while Dylan's lyrics and the names of the resistance form the base of the composition. 

The Political Circus- Copyright 2016
The Political Circus- Copyright 2016

24" x 30"- Oil on canvas

Donald Trump presides over the 2016 campaign. The  GOP elephant is poised to crush 8 years of PC culture. Sanders sits on a dying donkey while the Koch Bros. scowl. Above it all, Hillary balances on the tightrope overhead.

The 2017 Inauguration- What Have You Done?- Copyright 2016
The 2017 Inauguration- What Have You Done?- Copyright 2016

Oil on canvas, 24" x 18"

The people cheer on a cold January Inauguration day. You are part of the crowd. Only one face turns to look at you and ask through tears, "What have you done?" It's the face of the next generation. The day is Donald Trump's Inauguration Day.

The Women's March- Copyright 2017
The Women's March- Copyright 2017

Women of different races, different religions and different ages marched together on January 21, 2017 for the historic Women's March. My painting honors the bravery and enthusiasm of all the women from around the world who were there. 

Washington State Historical Society          Permanent Collection      Tacoma, Washington

The Women's March- Copyright 2017
The Women's March- Copyright 2017

The Women's March can be seen at the Washington State Historical Society in Tacoma, Washington. Go check it out!



Washington State Historical Society          Permanent Collection      Tacoma, WA 


Mexico's Protest- Copyright 2017
Mexico's Protest- Copyright 2017

Oil on panel, 16" x 12"

The sky screams "No Wall" from behind a fence of cactus. I painted this in San Miguel de Allende, inspired by the beautiful scenery and the friendly and welcoming people of Mexico.


Private Collection

Denver, Colorado

The First People- Copyright 2016
The First People- Copyright 2016

Oil, silver and gold leaf on canvas, 18"x 24"

Two large totems cry in sympathy for the Sioux Tribe’s fight to protect their native lands at Standing Rock. The blue sky behind them is distorted by layers of silver and gold leaf. It always comes down to money.

Protest Art Exhibition
Protest Art Exhibition

If you are in the Seattle/Tacoma area, check out this wonderful Art Exhibition- June 24- July 14, 2017

The Peaceable Kingdom- Copyright 2017
The Peaceable Kingdom- Copyright 2017

Oil and glitter on canvas, 24" x 36"

Inspired by Edward Hick's The Peaceable Kingdom, this painting is my attempt to alleviate a little stress during this difficult period of our history. I have taken my FaceBook friends suggestions for images that make people happy. I painted them all, then added a bit of sparkle. Can you find the dolphin, the frog, and the hedgehog?

Private Collection

New York City, NY

A Pair of Balls: My 2017 Christmas Gift to the Dems-Copyright 2017
A Pair of Balls: My 2017 Christmas Gift to the Dems-Copyright 2017

Oil on canvas, 11" x 14"

The Document Dump- Copyright 2022
The Document Dump- Copyright 2022
Will Democracy Survive? - Copyright 2021
Will Democracy Survive? - Copyright 2021
Rosie- 2021  Copyright 2020
Rosie- 2021 Copyright 2020

Be like Rosie!

CONVICT the Witch- Copyright 2021
CONVICT the Witch- Copyright 2021

No one is above the law

VOTE!- copyright 2020
VOTE!- copyright 2020

Everything is at stake!

When Will They Learn?- Copyright 2020
When Will They Learn?- Copyright 2020
Wear Your Mask!- Copyright 2020
Wear Your Mask!- Copyright 2020
Gotcha!- Copyright 2020
Gotcha!- Copyright 2020

Sometimes Karma is sweet!

Trump Sponsored Terrorism- Copyright 2020
Trump Sponsored Terrorism- Copyright 2020

We heard your racist dogwhistles.

Debate Night Time Out- Copyright 2020
Debate Night Time Out- Copyright 2020
Donate Blue- Copyright 2020
Donate Blue- Copyright 2020

Donate like you future is at stake, because it is.

Black Lives Matter- Copyright 2020
Black Lives Matter- Copyright 2020
Sheets Back in the Closet- Copyright 2020
Sheets Back in the Closet- Copyright 2020

Black Lives Matter, so the racists have to hide in the closet again.

Hanging by a Thread- Copyright 2020
Hanging by a Thread- Copyright 2020

Covid19 is here, and we have an idiot in charge!

One and the Same- Copyright 2020
One and the Same- Copyright 2020

He only exists as president because of Putin.

Trump's Trojan Horse- copyright 2020
Trump's Trojan Horse- copyright 2020

It’s always about pushing Putin’s agenda!

King Trump?- Copyright 2020
King Trump?- Copyright 2020
King Donald- Copyright 2020
King Donald- Copyright 2020

The travesty of Moscow Mitch’s Senate trial

Stand Down Trump!- Copyright 2020
Stand Down Trump!- Copyright 2020
World War III ? - Copyright 2020
World War III ? - Copyright 2020

Step 4 of Putin’s Plan to retain power- Start a war! Trump follows in Putin’s footsteps.

Putin's Asset- Copyright 2019
Putin's Asset- Copyright 2019

Truth is truth, no matter how much the GOP lies.

Impeach and Remove!- Copyright 2019
Impeach and Remove!- Copyright 2019
Pelosi Schools Putin's Puppet-Copyright 2019
Pelosi Schools Putin's Puppet-Copyright 2019
Rudy's Going Down!- Copyright 2019
Rudy's Going Down!- Copyright 2019
The Road to Impeachment- Copyright 2019
The Road to Impeachment- Copyright 2019

Did you noticed that Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff dance with the Statue of Liberty as Trump skips down the yellow brick road to Impeachment!!)

History Repeats Itself- Copyright 2019
History Repeats Itself- Copyright 2019
No One is Above the Law!- Copyright 2019
No One is Above the Law!- Copyright 2019
Taliban Trump- Copyright 2019
Taliban Trump- Copyright 2019
The GOP- Copyright 2019
The GOP- Copyright 2019

There was no way to edit the number of items, and I’m sure I may have left something out. The list grows daily!

Weather Forecast- Copyright 2019
Weather Forecast- Copyright 2019

The madness ramps up…Nuclear bombs to prevent hurricanes!

Trump the Turdle King- Copyright 2019
Trump the Turdle King- Copyright 2019

Thank you to Dr. Seuss and Yertle the Turtle for the inspiration.

Trump Sponsored Terrorism-Copyright 2019
Trump Sponsored Terrorism-Copyright 2019
The Putin Gang- Copyright 2019
The Putin Gang- Copyright 2019

The Putin Gang can’t hide forever

Climate Crisis- copyright 2019
Climate Crisis- copyright 2019

There’s no more time to pretend it isn’t your problem.

Moscow Mitch- Copyright 2019
Moscow Mitch- Copyright 2019

He’s got his priorities!

Us versus Them- Copyright 2019
Us versus Them- Copyright 2019

The language of racism and hate

Nothing to See Here- Copyright 2019
Nothing to See Here- Copyright 2019
Happy 4th of July- Copyright 2019
Happy 4th of July- Copyright 2019
Trump Gets Played- Copyright 2019
Trump Gets Played- Copyright 2019
You're Fired!- Copyright 2019
You're Fired!- Copyright 2019

God found someone more evil than Satan.

G-20 in Osaka- Copyright 2019
G-20 in Osaka- Copyright 2019

Trump sucks up to Putin and sends love tweets to Kim Jong un.

Make America Toxic Again- Copyright 2019
Make America Toxic Again- Copyright 2019

Steaming back to the 1950s!

Nancy's "I" Word- Copyright 2019
Nancy's "I" Word- Copyright 2019

Not “impeachment” Donald…IMPRISONMENT!

The Presidential Horse Race- Copyright 2019
The Presidential Horse Race- Copyright 2019

It doesn’t matter who wins the first heat, just so they defeat trump!

A Pig's Story- Copyright 2019
A Pig's Story- Copyright 2019

After reading to their children, do they say, “Mummy lies for the biggest pig of all”?

Roe v. Wade- Copyright 2019
Roe v. Wade- Copyright 2019

We will not live in Gilead!

Mnuchin- Copyright 2019
Mnuchin- Copyright 2019

Release the taxes!

The Third Branch- Copyright 2019
The Third Branch- Copyright 2019
Liar! Liar! Panties on Fire!- Copyright 2019
Liar! Liar! Panties on Fire!- Copyright 2019

If their mouths are open, you can bet they are lying!

Trump Twitter Followers- Copyright 2019
Trump Twitter Followers- Copyright 2019

Trump is a presidential joke!

Tweet Storm- Copyright 2019
Tweet Storm- Copyright 2019

The insanity ramps up as the the wheels of justice bear down.

D.O.J. Lies- Copyright 2019
D.O.J. Lies- Copyright 2019

The toad at the head of the DOJ croaks out lies to mislead us!

The Rat Pack- Copyright 2019
The Rat Pack- Copyright 2019

The traps are set. When do the rats get caught? Get rid of the rats!

Columbine- Copyright 2019
Columbine- Copyright 2019

We remember.

Rat Infestation- Copyright 2019
Rat Infestation- Copyright 2019

Rat infestation on Air Force One

Pest Control- Copyright 2019
Pest Control- Copyright 2019

There are rats out of the White House.

Toons Mag- April 2019 Cover
Toons Mag- April 2019 Cover

Toons Mag is a large online cartoon magazine out of Norway with a 1,000,000+ audience.

Impeachment!- Copyright 2019
Impeachment!- Copyright 2019


Half Baked President- Copyright 2019
Half Baked President- Copyright 2019

We will get those taxes!

HealthExit- Copyright 2019
HealthExit- Copyright 2019

Find the issue imp. to each voter and then show them the reality.

Coffee Cup for President- Copyright 2019
Coffee Cup for President- Copyright 2019

I have made my choice for the 2020 election.

The Parable of the Blind Base- Copyright 2019
The Parable of the Blind Base- Copyright 2019

Open your eyes to the truth!

Toons Magazine- March 2019 Cover
Toons Magazine- March 2019 Cover

Toons Mag is a large online cartoon magazine out of Norway with a 1,000,000+ audience.

Team Treason- Copyright 2019
Team Treason- Copyright 2019

Who will win the big game?

Where are Moose and Squirrel?- Copyright 2019
Where are Moose and Squirrel?- Copyright 2019

America looks on in disgust!

A Full House of Crimes- Copyright 2019
A Full House of Crimes- Copyright 2019
The Green New Meal- Copyright 2019
The Green New Meal- Copyright 2019
High Stakes Beat the Clock- Copyright 2019
High Stakes Beat the Clock- Copyright 2019
Lock Him Up!- Copyright 2019
Lock Him Up!- Copyright 2019
The Red Sparrow- Copyright 2019
The Red Sparrow- Copyright 2019

Putin’s gal in the White House

How to Spot a Racist- Copyright 2019
How to Spot a Racist- Copyright 2019
Who's In Charge?- Copyright 2019
Who's In Charge?- Copyright 2019

Robert Mueller will sort it all out. Just wait.

The Mark of the Beast- Copyright 2019
The Mark of the Beast- Copyright 2019

Revelations 13:17 “no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Religious Evolution- Copyright 2019
Religious Evolution- Copyright 2019

What would Jesus say if he chose to come back today?

A Sniveling Bunch of Turds- Copyright 2019
A Sniveling Bunch of Turds- Copyright 2019

So much for the GOP!

Feeling Sorry for Satan- Copyright 2019
Feeling Sorry for Satan- Copyright 2019
Leaving Trumpland- Copyright 2019
Leaving Trumpland- Copyright 2019

This is what Trump fears the most (after Putin).

I Hate All of You!- Copyright 2019
I Hate All of You!- Copyright 2019

The infantile president throws another tantrum!

The Green New Deal- Copyright 2019
The Green New Deal- Copyright 2019

You may have been bought off by the fossil fuel industry, but where will your grandchildren live?

Shower Time- Copyright 2019
Shower Time- Copyright 2019

One for Obama? Now one for Lincoln.

No Puppet- Copyright 2019
No Puppet- Copyright 2019

What started as an unwitting asset now knows exactly what he’s doing.

State of Emergency- Copyright 2019
State of Emergency- Copyright 2019

Time to take out the trash before the State of Emergency gets any worse. Come on Mr. Mueller!

Jeff Bezos says, "No!"- Copyright 2019
Jeff Bezos says, "No!"- Copyright 2019
The Final Farewell- Copyright 2019
The Final Farewell- Copyright 2019

It can’t happen soon enough…Thoughts and prayers to the Trump crime family…Buh bye!

Checkmate- Copyright 2019
Checkmate- Copyright 2019
The End Game- Copyright 2019
The End Game- Copyright 2019

It’s only a matter of time.

The Immigrant Solution- Copyright 2019
The Immigrant Solution- Copyright 2019
Executive Time in the White House-Copyright 2019
Executive Time in the White House-Copyright 2019
Thank You Randy Newman- Copyright 2019
Thank You Randy Newman- Copyright 2019
James Crow, Esquire- Copyright 2019
James Crow, Esquire- Copyright 2019

No one claims they are racists now. They are nationalists. They believe in limited government. They scream socialism, but oh no, they aren't racists. They've just been rebranded.

A State of Emergency- Copyright 2019
A State of Emergency- Copyright 2019

Trump will resort to any measure to retain power.

Dump Trump- Copyright 2019
Dump Trump- Copyright 2019
A Base Hit- Copyright 2019
A Base Hit- Copyright 2019

Remember 1984. We didn’t know it would take so long to get there.

Post Shutdown Meltdown- Copyright 2019
Post Shutdown Meltdown- Copyright 2019
Not The Little Prince-Copyright 2017
Not The Little Prince-Copyright 2017

Trump is not the little prince. He’s the burger king.

Sheets Out of the Closet- Copyright 2019
Sheets Out of the Closet- Copyright 2019
Never Ever Give Up on Democracy- Copyright 2019
Never Ever Give Up on Democracy- Copyright 2019
The Longest Shutdown in History- Copyright 2019
The Longest Shutdown in History- Copyright 2019

In honor of the longest shutdown of the US government in history

The Trump Shutdown- Copyright 2019
The Trump Shutdown- Copyright 2019

Neither Trump nor McConnell care about the people they hurt.

Phone Sex- Copyright 2017
Phone Sex- Copyright 2017

Who does Putin have on speed dial?

The Ventriloquist and his Dummy- Copyright 2017
The Ventriloquist and his Dummy- Copyright 2017

Russian talking points

Tip of the Iceberg- Copyright 2019
Tip of the Iceberg- Copyright 2019

Waiting for Mr. Mueller

Shark Tank- Copyright 2017
Shark Tank- Copyright 2017

Hold on tight with those tiny hands! It’s only a matter of time.

Consensual Conjoining- Copyright 2017
Consensual Conjoining- Copyright 2017

…Otherwise known as collusion.

Condition Critical- Copyright 2018
Condition Critical- Copyright 2018

There is not a lot of time until the midterms. It’s everyone’s responsibility to get out and vote for democracy. Don’t let it die!

Lady Liberty Cries- Copyright 2017
Lady Liberty Cries- Copyright 2017
Treason! - Copyright 2018
Treason! - Copyright 2018

Putin’s Puppet serving Russia’s national interests

The Trump Shutdown- Copyright 2019
The Trump Shutdown- Copyright 2019

Elections matter.

The GOP Circus- Copyright 2017
The GOP Circus- Copyright 2017
Tick Tock the Mueller Clock- Copyright 2017
Tick Tock the Mueller Clock- Copyright 2017

The investigation closes in on Trump.

Democracy is not a Game- Copyright 2018
Democracy is not a Game- Copyright 2018

This is not the game you want to lose!

Putin's Puppet- Copyright 2017
Putin's Puppet- Copyright 2017

Time to impeach Putin's Puppet

Russia's Candidate- Copyright 2017
Russia's Candidate- Copyright 2017

Russia stacked the deck for their candidate.

Ivanka in Colombia- Copyright 2019
Ivanka in Colombia- Copyright 2019
A Statement About AG Barr- Copyright 2019
A Statement About AG Barr- Copyright 2019

William Barr protects his boy.

Flip Flop in Chief- Copyright 2019
Flip Flop in Chief- Copyright 2019

It’s actions that matter, not empty words.

Resistance Art Posters- Copyright 2017
Resistance Art Posters- Copyright 2017

20" x 30" Glossy Resistance Art Posters. Framed and unframed. Email for pricing. "I want you to know, I took your art work over to my Mom's on Saturday as an early birthday gift (she's 80 on November 10th). She has told me no less than a DOZEN times since then, how she looks at it, and she feels hope. (that's something I haven't heard her say about anything)."

The Last Judgement of Donald Trump Poster- copyright 2018
The Last Judgement of Donald Trump Poster- copyright 2018

These large 20"x 30" posters fit beautifully into poster frames and are printed on heavy glossy paper.. 

The Political Circus- Poster- Copyright 2016
The Political Circus- Poster- Copyright 2016

When it comes to the 2016 elections, this 20" x 30" glossy poster says it all. Email for pricing.

We're Here To Help- Poster
We're Here To Help- Poster

These 20" x 30" posters of "We're Here To Help" are printed on heavy, glossy paper and will make you smile, no matter how bleak the political news may be for the day! Send an email to inquire about pricing.

Forever Hillary Love- Copyright 2016
Forever Hillary Love- Copyright 2016

I sent this poster to Hillary Clinton today. In my sadness, this is the best I can do as an artist. Peace.

Families Belong Together Poster
Families Belong Together Poster

20” x 30” Glossy posters on heavy paper.

Follow the Money- Copyright 2017
Follow the Money- Copyright 2017

It's always about the money.

Siamese Twins- July 7, 2017- Copyright 2017
Siamese Twins- July 7, 2017- Copyright 2017

Twins reunited at the G20 Summit. 

The Last Judgement of Donald Trump- Copyright 2018
The Last Judgement of Donald Trump- Copyright 2018
"Sometimes Karma Sucks" Tote bag
Mako- Copyright 2021
Mako- Copyright 2021
The Blue Wave- Copyright 2018
The Political Circus- Copyright 2016
The 2017 Inauguration- What Have You Done?- Copyright 2016
The Women's March- Copyright 2017
The Women's March- Copyright 2017
Mexico's Protest- Copyright 2017
The First People- Copyright 2016
Protest Art Exhibition
The Peaceable Kingdom- Copyright 2017
A Pair of Balls: My 2017 Christmas Gift to the Dems-Copyright 2017
The Document Dump- Copyright 2022
Will Democracy Survive? - Copyright 2021
Rosie- 2021  Copyright 2020
CONVICT the Witch- Copyright 2021
VOTE!- copyright 2020
When Will They Learn?- Copyright 2020
Wear Your Mask!- Copyright 2020
Gotcha!- Copyright 2020
Trump Sponsored Terrorism- Copyright 2020
Debate Night Time Out- Copyright 2020
Donate Blue- Copyright 2020
Black Lives Matter- Copyright 2020
Sheets Back in the Closet- Copyright 2020
Hanging by a Thread- Copyright 2020
One and the Same- Copyright 2020
Trump's Trojan Horse- copyright 2020
King Trump?- Copyright 2020
King Donald- Copyright 2020
Stand Down Trump!- Copyright 2020
World War III ? - Copyright 2020
Putin's Asset- Copyright 2019
Impeach and Remove!- Copyright 2019
Pelosi Schools Putin's Puppet-Copyright 2019
Rudy's Going Down!- Copyright 2019
The Road to Impeachment- Copyright 2019
History Repeats Itself- Copyright 2019
No One is Above the Law!- Copyright 2019
Taliban Trump- Copyright 2019
The GOP- Copyright 2019
Weather Forecast- Copyright 2019
Trump the Turdle King- Copyright 2019
Trump Sponsored Terrorism-Copyright 2019
The Putin Gang- Copyright 2019
Climate Crisis- copyright 2019
Moscow Mitch- Copyright 2019
Us versus Them- Copyright 2019
Nothing to See Here- Copyright 2019
Happy 4th of July- Copyright 2019
Trump Gets Played- Copyright 2019
You're Fired!- Copyright 2019
G-20 in Osaka- Copyright 2019
Make America Toxic Again- Copyright 2019
Nancy's "I" Word- Copyright 2019
The Presidential Horse Race- Copyright 2019
A Pig's Story- Copyright 2019
Roe v. Wade- Copyright 2019
Mnuchin- Copyright 2019
The Third Branch- Copyright 2019
Liar! Liar! Panties on Fire!- Copyright 2019
Trump Twitter Followers- Copyright 2019
Tweet Storm- Copyright 2019
D.O.J. Lies- Copyright 2019
The Rat Pack- Copyright 2019
Columbine- Copyright 2019
Rat Infestation- Copyright 2019
Pest Control- Copyright 2019
Toons Mag- April 2019 Cover
Impeachment!- Copyright 2019
Half Baked President- Copyright 2019
HealthExit- Copyright 2019
Coffee Cup for President- Copyright 2019
The Parable of the Blind Base- Copyright 2019
Toons Magazine- March 2019 Cover
Team Treason- Copyright 2019
Where are Moose and Squirrel?- Copyright 2019
A Full House of Crimes- Copyright 2019
The Green New Meal- Copyright 2019
High Stakes Beat the Clock- Copyright 2019
Lock Him Up!- Copyright 2019
The Red Sparrow- Copyright 2019
How to Spot a Racist- Copyright 2019
Who's In Charge?- Copyright 2019
The Mark of the Beast- Copyright 2019
Religious Evolution- Copyright 2019
A Sniveling Bunch of Turds- Copyright 2019
Feeling Sorry for Satan- Copyright 2019
Leaving Trumpland- Copyright 2019
I Hate All of You!- Copyright 2019
The Green New Deal- Copyright 2019
Shower Time- Copyright 2019
No Puppet- Copyright 2019
State of Emergency- Copyright 2019
Jeff Bezos says, "No!"- Copyright 2019
The Final Farewell- Copyright 2019
Checkmate- Copyright 2019
The End Game- Copyright 2019
The Immigrant Solution- Copyright 2019
Executive Time in the White House-Copyright 2019
Thank You Randy Newman- Copyright 2019
James Crow, Esquire- Copyright 2019
A State of Emergency- Copyright 2019
Dump Trump- Copyright 2019
A Base Hit- Copyright 2019
Post Shutdown Meltdown- Copyright 2019
Not The Little Prince-Copyright 2017
Sheets Out of the Closet- Copyright 2019
Never Ever Give Up on Democracy- Copyright 2019
The Longest Shutdown in History- Copyright 2019
The Trump Shutdown- Copyright 2019
Phone Sex- Copyright 2017
The Ventriloquist and his Dummy- Copyright 2017
Tip of the Iceberg- Copyright 2019
Shark Tank- Copyright 2017
Consensual Conjoining- Copyright 2017
Condition Critical- Copyright 2018
Lady Liberty Cries- Copyright 2017
Treason! - Copyright 2018
The Trump Shutdown- Copyright 2019
The GOP Circus- Copyright 2017
Tick Tock the Mueller Clock- Copyright 2017
Democracy is not a Game- Copyright 2018
Putin's Puppet- Copyright 2017
Russia's Candidate- Copyright 2017
Ivanka in Colombia- Copyright 2019
A Statement About AG Barr- Copyright 2019
Flip Flop in Chief- Copyright 2019
Resistance Art Posters- Copyright 2017
The Last Judgement of Donald Trump Poster- copyright 2018
The Political Circus- Poster- Copyright 2016
We're Here To Help- Poster
Forever Hillary Love- Copyright 2016
Families Belong Together Poster
Follow the Money- Copyright 2017
Siamese Twins- July 7, 2017- Copyright 2017
The Last Judgement of Donald Trump- Copyright 2018

Oil on canvas, 5' x 20"

The Last Judgement of Donald Trump was inspired by the 14th c. master, Hieronymus Bosch. I painted it as a moral lesson and warning to Donald Trump and 15 members of his family, his administration, Putin, and the GOP. If they do not change their ways, Bosch Hell awaits them. See the video explanation of this painting at

The Last Judgement of Donald Trump- Copyright 2018

If you want to know who the figures are in Bosch hell, here's the key. Enjoy knowing that Karma will come to everyone.

"Sometimes Karma Sucks" Tote bag

Email me for details to get one of your own!

Mako- Copyright 2021

Silver and Copper Leaf on Oil- 30" x 21"

No more Blue Wave. It's time to become the Mako..

Mako- Copyright 2021

Reprints of Two Makos are available. Be the Shark!

The Blue Wave- Copyright 2018

Oil and newsprint on canvas, 5' x 30"

Inspired by Hokusai's wave and Picasso's Guernica, the Blue Wave of the Resistance slams over Trump, et al. News articles form the background while Dylan's lyrics and the names of the resistance form the base of the composition. 

The Political Circus- Copyright 2016

24" x 30"- Oil on canvas

Donald Trump presides over the 2016 campaign. The  GOP elephant is poised to crush 8 years of PC culture. Sanders sits on a dying donkey while the Koch Bros. scowl. Above it all, Hillary balances on the tightrope overhead.

The 2017 Inauguration- What Have You Done?- Copyright 2016

Oil on canvas, 24" x 18"

The people cheer on a cold January Inauguration day. You are part of the crowd. Only one face turns to look at you and ask through tears, "What have you done?" It's the face of the next generation. The day is Donald Trump's Inauguration Day.

The Women's March- Copyright 2017

Women of different races, different religions and different ages marched together on January 21, 2017 for the historic Women's March. My painting honors the bravery and enthusiasm of all the women from around the world who were there. 

Washington State Historical Society          Permanent Collection      Tacoma, Washington

The Women's March- Copyright 2017

The Women's March can be seen at the Washington State Historical Society in Tacoma, Washington. Go check it out!



Washington State Historical Society          Permanent Collection      Tacoma, WA 


Mexico's Protest- Copyright 2017

Oil on panel, 16" x 12"

The sky screams "No Wall" from behind a fence of cactus. I painted this in San Miguel de Allende, inspired by the beautiful scenery and the friendly and welcoming people of Mexico.


Private Collection

Denver, Colorado

The First People- Copyright 2016

Oil, silver and gold leaf on canvas, 18"x 24"

Two large totems cry in sympathy for the Sioux Tribe’s fight to protect their native lands at Standing Rock. The blue sky behind them is distorted by layers of silver and gold leaf. It always comes down to money.

Protest Art Exhibition

If you are in the Seattle/Tacoma area, check out this wonderful Art Exhibition- June 24- July 14, 2017

The Peaceable Kingdom- Copyright 2017

Oil and glitter on canvas, 24" x 36"

Inspired by Edward Hick's The Peaceable Kingdom, this painting is my attempt to alleviate a little stress during this difficult period of our history. I have taken my FaceBook friends suggestions for images that make people happy. I painted them all, then added a bit of sparkle. Can you find the dolphin, the frog, and the hedgehog?

Private Collection

New York City, NY

A Pair of Balls: My 2017 Christmas Gift to the Dems-Copyright 2017

Oil on canvas, 11" x 14"

The Document Dump- Copyright 2022
Will Democracy Survive? - Copyright 2021
Rosie- 2021 Copyright 2020

Be like Rosie!

CONVICT the Witch- Copyright 2021

No one is above the law

VOTE!- copyright 2020

Everything is at stake!

When Will They Learn?- Copyright 2020
Wear Your Mask!- Copyright 2020
Gotcha!- Copyright 2020

Sometimes Karma is sweet!

Trump Sponsored Terrorism- Copyright 2020

We heard your racist dogwhistles.

Debate Night Time Out- Copyright 2020
Donate Blue- Copyright 2020

Donate like you future is at stake, because it is.

Black Lives Matter- Copyright 2020
Sheets Back in the Closet- Copyright 2020

Black Lives Matter, so the racists have to hide in the closet again.

Hanging by a Thread- Copyright 2020

Covid19 is here, and we have an idiot in charge!

One and the Same- Copyright 2020

He only exists as president because of Putin.

Trump's Trojan Horse- copyright 2020

It’s always about pushing Putin’s agenda!

King Trump?- Copyright 2020
King Donald- Copyright 2020

The travesty of Moscow Mitch’s Senate trial

Stand Down Trump!- Copyright 2020
World War III ? - Copyright 2020

Step 4 of Putin’s Plan to retain power- Start a war! Trump follows in Putin’s footsteps.

Putin's Asset- Copyright 2019

Truth is truth, no matter how much the GOP lies.

Impeach and Remove!- Copyright 2019
Pelosi Schools Putin's Puppet-Copyright 2019
Rudy's Going Down!- Copyright 2019
The Road to Impeachment- Copyright 2019

Did you noticed that Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff dance with the Statue of Liberty as Trump skips down the yellow brick road to Impeachment!!)

History Repeats Itself- Copyright 2019
No One is Above the Law!- Copyright 2019
Taliban Trump- Copyright 2019
The GOP- Copyright 2019

There was no way to edit the number of items, and I’m sure I may have left something out. The list grows daily!

Weather Forecast- Copyright 2019

The madness ramps up…Nuclear bombs to prevent hurricanes!

Trump the Turdle King- Copyright 2019

Thank you to Dr. Seuss and Yertle the Turtle for the inspiration.

Trump Sponsored Terrorism-Copyright 2019
The Putin Gang- Copyright 2019

The Putin Gang can’t hide forever

Climate Crisis- copyright 2019

There’s no more time to pretend it isn’t your problem.

Moscow Mitch- Copyright 2019

He’s got his priorities!

Us versus Them- Copyright 2019

The language of racism and hate

Nothing to See Here- Copyright 2019
Happy 4th of July- Copyright 2019
Trump Gets Played- Copyright 2019
You're Fired!- Copyright 2019

God found someone more evil than Satan.

G-20 in Osaka- Copyright 2019

Trump sucks up to Putin and sends love tweets to Kim Jong un.

Make America Toxic Again- Copyright 2019

Steaming back to the 1950s!

Nancy's "I" Word- Copyright 2019

Not “impeachment” Donald…IMPRISONMENT!

The Presidential Horse Race- Copyright 2019

It doesn’t matter who wins the first heat, just so they defeat trump!

A Pig's Story- Copyright 2019

After reading to their children, do they say, “Mummy lies for the biggest pig of all”?

Roe v. Wade- Copyright 2019

We will not live in Gilead!

Mnuchin- Copyright 2019

Release the taxes!

The Third Branch- Copyright 2019
Liar! Liar! Panties on Fire!- Copyright 2019

If their mouths are open, you can bet they are lying!

Trump Twitter Followers- Copyright 2019

Trump is a presidential joke!

Tweet Storm- Copyright 2019

The insanity ramps up as the the wheels of justice bear down.

D.O.J. Lies- Copyright 2019

The toad at the head of the DOJ croaks out lies to mislead us!

The Rat Pack- Copyright 2019

The traps are set. When do the rats get caught? Get rid of the rats!

Columbine- Copyright 2019

We remember.

Rat Infestation- Copyright 2019

Rat infestation on Air Force One

Pest Control- Copyright 2019

There are rats out of the White House.

Toons Mag- April 2019 Cover

Toons Mag is a large online cartoon magazine out of Norway with a 1,000,000+ audience.

Impeachment!- Copyright 2019


Half Baked President- Copyright 2019

We will get those taxes!

HealthExit- Copyright 2019

Find the issue imp. to each voter and then show them the reality.

Coffee Cup for President- Copyright 2019

I have made my choice for the 2020 election.

The Parable of the Blind Base- Copyright 2019

Open your eyes to the truth!

Toons Magazine- March 2019 Cover

Toons Mag is a large online cartoon magazine out of Norway with a 1,000,000+ audience.

Team Treason- Copyright 2019

Who will win the big game?

Where are Moose and Squirrel?- Copyright 2019

America looks on in disgust!

A Full House of Crimes- Copyright 2019
The Green New Meal- Copyright 2019
High Stakes Beat the Clock- Copyright 2019
Lock Him Up!- Copyright 2019
The Red Sparrow- Copyright 2019

Putin’s gal in the White House

How to Spot a Racist- Copyright 2019
Who's In Charge?- Copyright 2019

Robert Mueller will sort it all out. Just wait.

The Mark of the Beast- Copyright 2019

Revelations 13:17 “no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Religious Evolution- Copyright 2019

What would Jesus say if he chose to come back today?

A Sniveling Bunch of Turds- Copyright 2019

So much for the GOP!

Feeling Sorry for Satan- Copyright 2019
Leaving Trumpland- Copyright 2019

This is what Trump fears the most (after Putin).

I Hate All of You!- Copyright 2019

The infantile president throws another tantrum!

The Green New Deal- Copyright 2019

You may have been bought off by the fossil fuel industry, but where will your grandchildren live?

Shower Time- Copyright 2019

One for Obama? Now one for Lincoln.

No Puppet- Copyright 2019

What started as an unwitting asset now knows exactly what he’s doing.

State of Emergency- Copyright 2019

Time to take out the trash before the State of Emergency gets any worse. Come on Mr. Mueller!

Jeff Bezos says, "No!"- Copyright 2019
The Final Farewell- Copyright 2019

It can’t happen soon enough…Thoughts and prayers to the Trump crime family…Buh bye!

Checkmate- Copyright 2019
The End Game- Copyright 2019

It’s only a matter of time.

The Immigrant Solution- Copyright 2019
Executive Time in the White House-Copyright 2019
Thank You Randy Newman- Copyright 2019
James Crow, Esquire- Copyright 2019

No one claims they are racists now. They are nationalists. They believe in limited government. They scream socialism, but oh no, they aren't racists. They've just been rebranded.

A State of Emergency- Copyright 2019

Trump will resort to any measure to retain power.

Dump Trump- Copyright 2019
A Base Hit- Copyright 2019

Remember 1984. We didn’t know it would take so long to get there.

Post Shutdown Meltdown- Copyright 2019
Not The Little Prince-Copyright 2017

Trump is not the little prince. He’s the burger king.

Sheets Out of the Closet- Copyright 2019
Never Ever Give Up on Democracy- Copyright 2019
The Longest Shutdown in History- Copyright 2019

In honor of the longest shutdown of the US government in history

The Trump Shutdown- Copyright 2019

Neither Trump nor McConnell care about the people they hurt.

Phone Sex- Copyright 2017

Who does Putin have on speed dial?

The Ventriloquist and his Dummy- Copyright 2017

Russian talking points

Tip of the Iceberg- Copyright 2019

Waiting for Mr. Mueller

Shark Tank- Copyright 2017

Hold on tight with those tiny hands! It’s only a matter of time.

Consensual Conjoining- Copyright 2017

…Otherwise known as collusion.

Condition Critical- Copyright 2018

There is not a lot of time until the midterms. It’s everyone’s responsibility to get out and vote for democracy. Don’t let it die!

Lady Liberty Cries- Copyright 2017
Treason! - Copyright 2018

Putin’s Puppet serving Russia’s national interests

The Trump Shutdown- Copyright 2019

Elections matter.

The GOP Circus- Copyright 2017
Tick Tock the Mueller Clock- Copyright 2017

The investigation closes in on Trump.

Democracy is not a Game- Copyright 2018

This is not the game you want to lose!

Putin's Puppet- Copyright 2017

Time to impeach Putin's Puppet

Russia's Candidate- Copyright 2017

Russia stacked the deck for their candidate.

Ivanka in Colombia- Copyright 2019
A Statement About AG Barr- Copyright 2019

William Barr protects his boy.

Flip Flop in Chief- Copyright 2019

It’s actions that matter, not empty words.

Resistance Art Posters- Copyright 2017

20" x 30" Glossy Resistance Art Posters. Framed and unframed. Email for pricing. "I want you to know, I took your art work over to my Mom's on Saturday as an early birthday gift (she's 80 on November 10th). She has told me no less than a DOZEN times since then, how she looks at it, and she feels hope. (that's something I haven't heard her say about anything)."

The Last Judgement of Donald Trump Poster- copyright 2018

These large 20"x 30" posters fit beautifully into poster frames and are printed on heavy glossy paper.. 

The Political Circus- Poster- Copyright 2016

When it comes to the 2016 elections, this 20" x 30" glossy poster says it all. Email for pricing.

We're Here To Help- Poster

These 20" x 30" posters of "We're Here To Help" are printed on heavy, glossy paper and will make you smile, no matter how bleak the political news may be for the day! Send an email to inquire about pricing.

Forever Hillary Love- Copyright 2016

I sent this poster to Hillary Clinton today. In my sadness, this is the best I can do as an artist. Peace.

Families Belong Together Poster

20” x 30” Glossy posters on heavy paper.

Follow the Money- Copyright 2017

It's always about the money.

Siamese Twins- July 7, 2017- Copyright 2017

Twins reunited at the G20 Summit. 

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